Visit 3D printing lab at Beijing City University
A delegation led by Ambassador Mauro Moruzzi, Head of International Relations Department of the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation, along with representatives of different Swiss higher education and research institutions embarked on a 4-day tour to attend meetings with the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Science and Technology and others from November 18 to 21. Their trip was organized by the Swiss Embassy Science and Education Section, part of swissnex China.
The focus of the first two days was vocational and professional education as well as applied research. The delegation was invited by the Ministry of Education to a visit at the Beijing City University and the Beijing Information Management School, both models of promising Chinese schools. A first milestone took place at the MoE in the morning of the Wednesday 19th with the 1st Joint Working Group on vocational education and professional training. The objective was to facilitate the partnership between Chinese and Swiss schools and universities of applied sciences.
The delegation with officials from Beijing Information Management School
The second half of the visit was dedicated to the Sino-Swiss Science and Technology Cooperation (SSSTC). Meetings at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the China Scholarship Council, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the Natural Science Foundation of China, aimed to expand cooperation between these institutions and their Swiss counterparts. In the focus of this part of the visit was the 7th Joint Working Group with the Ministry of Science and Technology.
Alumni gathering at the Swiss Residence
A highlight of the delegation visit was the evening of Wednesday, when the Ambassador of Switzerland in China, Jean-Jacques de Dardel, hosted the annual “All Swiss University Alumni” event at his residence. More than one hundred graduates from numerous Swiss institutions attended the reception and enjoyed interesting presentations from delegation members as well as a dinner while listening to the performance of a saxophone quartet from the Dun Shan Symphony Orchestra.